Running Addon-operator

Environment variables

GLOBAL_HOOKS_DIR — a directory with global hook files.

MODULES_DIR — paths separated by colon where modules are located.

UNNUMBERED_MODULE_ORDER — an integer number to use as the default order for modules without numbered prefix.

ADDON_OPERATOR_NAMESPACE — a required parameter with namespace where Addon-operator is deployed.

ADDON_OPERATOR_CONFIG_MAP — a name of ConfigMap to store values. Default is addon-operator.

Namespace and config map name are used to watch for ConfigMap changes.

Example of container:

- image: addon-operator-image:latest
        fieldPath: metadata.namespace
    value: my-values   

With this variables Addon-operator would monitor ConfigMap/my-values object.

ADDON_OPERATOR_LISTEN_ADDRESS — address for http server. Default is

ADDON_OPERATOR_LISTEN_PORT — port for http server. Default is 9650.

Addon-operator starts http server and listens on ADDRESS:PORT. There is a liveness probe and /metrics endpoint.

        fieldPath: status.podIP
    value: 9090
      path: /healthz
      port: 9090      

ADDON_OPERATOR_PROMETHEUS_METRICS_PREFIX — a prefix for Prometheus metrics. Default is addon_operator_.

    value: dev_cluster_  
curl localhost:9650/metrics

dev_cluster_live_ticks 32

ADDON_OPERATOR_CRD_EXTRA_LABELS – string with CRDs label pairs.
For example: heritage=my-app,scope=extra
Default is heritage=addon-operator.

ADDON_OPERATOR_CRD_FILTER_PREFIXES – String of filters for the CRD, separated by commas. Default is doc-,_.

Kubernetes client settings

KUBE_CONFIG — a path to a kubernetes client config (~/.kube/config)

KUBE_CONTEXT — a context name in a kubernetes client config (similar to a --context flag of a kubectl)

KUBE_CLIENT_QPS and KUBE_CLIENT_BURST — qps and burst parameters to rate-limit requests to Kubernetes API server. Default qps is 5 and burst is 10 as in a rest/config.go file.

Helm settings

Addon-operator expects that “helm” binary is available in $PATH. It detects Helm version at start by executing “helm --help” command. If this is not appropriate by some reasons, you can use these settings:

HELM_BIN_PATH — a path to a Helm binary.

HELM3 — set to “yes” to disable auto-detection and explicitly enable compatibility with helm3.

HELM_IGNORE_RELEASE — a name of the release that should not be treated as the module’s release. Prevent self-destruction when addon-operator release is stored in the same namespace as releases for modules.

  value: {{ .Release.Name }}

HELM_MONITOR_KUBE_CLIENT_QPS — QPS for a rate limiter of a kubernetes client for Helm resources monitor.

HELM_MONITOR_KUBE_CLIENT_BURST — Burst for a rate limiter of a kubernetes client for Helm resources monitor.

Logging settings

LOG_TYPE — Logging formatter type: json, text or color.

LOG_LEVEL — Logging level: debug, info, error.

LOG_NO_TIME — ‘true’ value will disable timestamp logging. Useful when output is redirected to logging system that already adds timestamps. Default is ‘false’.


Several tools are available for the debugging of addon-operator and hooks:

  • You can get logs of an Addon-operator’s pod for analysis (by executing kubectl logs -f po/POD_NAME)
  • You can set the environment variable LOG_LEVEL=debug to include detailed debugging data into logs
  • Addon-operator inherits shell-operator’s debug CLI interface and a UNIX socket HTTP endpoint. A path to the endpoint can be configured with DEBUG_UNIX_SOCKET environment variable, the default path is “/var/run/addon-operator/debug.socket”.

Available debug commands:

addon-operator queue list [-o text|yaml|json]
    Dump tasks in all queues.

addon-operator global values [-o yaml|json]
    Dump current global values.

addon-operator global patches
    Dump current JSON patches for global values.

addon-operator global config [-o yaml|json]
    Dump global config values.

addon-operator module list [-o text|yaml|json]
    List available modules and their enabled status.

addon-operator module values [-o yaml|json] <module_name>
    Dump module values by name.

addon-operator module patches <module_name>
    Dump JSON patches for module values by name.

addon-operator module config [-o yaml|json] <module_name>
    Dump module config values by name.

addon-operator module resource-monitor [-o text|yaml|json]
    Dump resource monitors.