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Shell-operator is a tool for running event-driven scripts in a Kubernetes cluster.

This operator is not an operator for a particular software product such as prometheus-operator or kafka-operator. Shell-operator provides an integration layer between Kubernetes cluster events and shell scripts by treating scripts as hooks triggered by events. Think of it as an operator-sdk but for scripts.

Shell-operator is used as a base for more advanced addon-operator that supports Helm charts and value storages.

Shell-operator provides:

  • Ease of management of a Kubernetes cluster: use the tools that Ops are familiar with. It can be bash, python, kubectl, etc.
  • Kubernetes object events: hook can be triggered by add, update or delete events. Learn more about hooks.
  • Object selector and properties filter: shell-operator can monitor a particular set of objects and detect changes in their properties.
  • Simple configuration: hook binding definition is a JSON or YAML document on script’s stdout.
  • Validating webhook machinery: hook can handle validating for Kubernetes resources.
  • Conversion webhook machinery: hook can handle version conversion for Kubernetes resources.

Articles & talks

Shell-operator has been presented during KubeCon + CloudNativeCon Europe 2020 Virtual (Aug’20). Here is the talk called “Go? Bash! Meet the shell-operator”:

Official publications on shell-operator:

Other languages:


Please feel free to reach developers/maintainers and users via GitHub Discussions for any questions regarding shell-operator.

You’re also welcome to follow @flant_com to stay informed about all our Open Source initiatives.


Apache License 2.0, see LICENSE.


You need to have a Kubernetes cluster, and the kubectl must be configured to communicate with your cluster.

The simplest setup of shell-operator in your cluster consists of these steps:

  • build an image with your hooks (scripts)
  • create necessary RBAC objects (for kubernetes bindings)
  • run Pod or Deployment with the built image

For more configuration options see RUNNING.

Build an image with your hooks

A hook is a script that, when executed with --config option, outputs configuration to stdout in YAML or JSON format. Learn more about hooks.

Let’s create a small operator that will watch for all Pods in all Namespaces and simply log the name of a new Pod.

kubernetes binding is used to tell shell-operator about objects that we want to watch. Create the file with the following content:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

if [[ $1 == "--config" ]] ; then
  cat <<EOF
configVersion: v1
- apiVersion: v1
  kind: Pod
  executeHookOnEvent: ["Added"]
  podName=$(jq -r .[0] $BINDING_CONTEXT_PATH)
  echo "Pod '${podName}' added"

Make the executable:

chmod +x

You can use a prebuilt image with bash, kubectl, jq and shell-operator binaries to build you own image. You just need to ADD your hook into /hooks directory in the Dockerfile.

Create the following Dockerfile in the directory where you created the file:

ADD /hooks

Build an image (change image tag according to your Docker registry):

docker build -t "" .

Push image to the Docker registry accessible by the Kubernetes cluster:

docker push

Create RBAC objects

We need to watch for Pods in all Namespaces. That means that we need specific RBAC definitions for shell-operator:

kubectl create namespace example-monitor-pods
kubectl create serviceaccount monitor-pods-acc --namespace example-monitor-pods
kubectl create clusterrole monitor-pods --verb=get,watch,list --resource=pods
kubectl create clusterrolebinding monitor-pods --clusterrole=monitor-pods --serviceaccount=example-monitor-pods:monitor-pods-acc

Install shell-operator in a cluster

Shell-operator can be deployed as a Pod. Put this manifest into the shell-operator-pod.yaml file:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
  name: shell-operator
  - name: shell-operator
    imagePullPolicy: Always
  serviceAccountName: monitor-pods-acc

Start shell-operator by applying a shell-operator-pod.yaml file:

kubectl -n example-monitor-pods apply -f shell-operator-pod.yaml

It all comes together

Let’s deploy a kubernetes-dashboard to trigger kubernetes binding defined in our hook:

kubectl apply -f

Now run kubectl -n example-monitor-pods logs po/shell-operator and observe that the hook will print dashboard pod name:

INFO[0027] queue task HookRun:main                       operator.component=handleEvents queue=main
INFO[0030] Execute hook                                  binding=kubernetes operator.component=taskRunner queue=main task=HookRun
INFO[0030] Pod 'kubernetes-dashboard-775dd7f59c-hr7kj' added  binding=kubernetes output=stdout queue=main task=HookRun
INFO[0030] Hook executed successfully                    binding=kubernetes operator.component=taskRunner queue=main task=HookRun

Note: hook output is logged with output=stdout label.

To clean up a cluster, delete namespace and RBAC objects:

kubectl delete ns example-monitor-pods
kubectl delete clusterrole monitor-pods
kubectl delete clusterrolebinding monitor-pods

This example is also available in /examples: monitor-pods.

Running Shell-operator


Run in a cluster

  • Build an image from (or use a specific tag).
  • Copy your hooks to /hooks directory.
  • Apply RBAC manifests.
  • Apply Pod or Deployment manifest with the built image.

More detailed explanation is available in Quick Start, also see installing with Helm in the example.

Run outside a cluster

  • Setup kube context,
  • Prepare hooks directory,
  • Run shell-operator with context and path to hooks directory.

It is not recommended for production but can be useful while debugging hooks. A scenario can be like this:

# Start local cluster
kind create cluster

# Start Shell-operator from outside the cluster
shell-operator start --hooks-dir $(pwd)/hooks --tmp-dir $(pwd)/tmp --log-type color

Environment variables and flags

You can configure the operator with the following environment variables and cli flags:

CLI flagEnv-Variable nameDefaultDescription
--hooks-dirSHELL_OPERATOR_HOOKS_DIR""A path to a hooks file structure
--tmp-dirSHELL_OPERATOR_TMP_DIR"/tmp/shell-operator"A path to store temporary files with data for hooks
--listen-addressSHELL_OPERATOR_LISTEN_ADDRESS""Address to use for HTTP serving.
--listen-portSHELL_OPERATOR_LISTEN_PORT"9115"Port to use for HTTP serving.
--prometheus-metrics-prefixSHELL_OPERATOR_PROMETHEUS_METRICS_PREFIX"shell_operator_"A prefix for metrics names.
--kube-contextKUBE_CONTEXT""The name of the kubeconfig context to use. (as a --context flag of kubectl)
--kube-configKUBE_CONFIG""Path to the kubeconfig file. (as a $KUBECONFIG for kubectl)
--kube-client-qpsKUBE_CLIENT_QPS5QPS for rate limiter of
--kube-client-burstKUBE_CLIENT_BURST10burst for rate limiter of
--object-patcher-kube-client-timeoutOBJECT_PATCHER_KUBE_CLIENT_TIMEOUT10stimeout for object patcher’s requests to the Kubernetes API server
--jq-library-pathJQ_LIBRARY_PATH""Prepend directory to the search list for jq modules (works as jq -L).
n/aJQ_EXEC""Set to yes to use jq as executable — it is more for developing purposes.
--log-levelLOG_LEVEL"info"Logging level: debug, info, error.
--log-typeLOG_TYPE"text"Logging formatter type: json, text or color.
--log-no-timeLOG_NO_TIMEfalseDisable timestamp logging if flag is present. Useful when output is redirected to logging system that already adds timestamps.
--log-proxy-hook-jsonLOG_PROXY_HOOK_JSONfalseDelegate hook stdout/ stderr JSON logging to the hooks and act as a proxy that adds some extra fields before just printing the output. NOTE: It ignores LOG_TYPE for the output of the hooks; expects JSON lines to stdout/ stderr from the hooks
--debug-keep-tmp-filesDEBUG_KEEP_TMP_FILES"no"Set to yes to keep files in $SHELL_OPERATOR_TMP_DIR for debugging purposes. Note that it can generate many files.
--debug-unix-socketDEBUG_UNIX_SOCKET"/var/run/shell-operator/debug.socket"Path to the unix socket file for debugging purposes.
--validating-webhook-configuration-nameVALIDATING_WEBHOOK_CONFIGURATION_NAME"shell-operator-hooks"A name of a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration resource.
--validating-webhook-service-nameVALIDATING_WEBHOOK_SERVICE_NAME"shell-operator-validating-svc"A name of a service used in ValidatingWebhookConfiguration.
--validating-webhook-server-certVALIDATING_WEBHOOK_SERVER_CERT"/validating-certs/tls.crt"A path to a server certificate for service used in ValidatingWebhookConfiguration.
--validating-webhook-server-keyVALIDATING_WEBHOOK_SERVER_KEY"/validating-certs/tls.key"A path to a server private key for service used in ValidatingWebhookConfiguration.
--validating-webhook-caVALIDATING_WEBHOOK_CA"/validating-certs/ca.crt"A path to a ca certificate for ValidatingWebhookConfiguration.
--validating-webhook-client-caVALIDATING_WEBHOOK_CLIENT_CA[]A path to a server certificate for ValidatingWebhookConfiguration.
--conversion-webhook-service-nameCONVERSION_WEBHOOK_SERVICE_NAME"shell-operator-conversion-svc"A name of a service for clientConfig in CRD.
--conversion-webhook-server-certCONVERSION_WEBHOOK_SERVER_CERT"/conversion-certs/tls.crt"A path to a server certificate for clientConfig in CRD.
--conversion-webhook-server-keyCONVERSION_WEBHOOK_SERVER_KEY"/conversion-certs/tls.key"A path to a server private key for clientConfig in CRD.
--conversion-webhook-caCONVERSION_WEBHOOK_CA"/conversion-certs/ca.crt"A path to a ca certificate for clientConfig in CRD.
--conversion-webhook-client-caCONVERSION_WEBHOOK_CLIENT_CA[]A path to a server certificate for CRD.spec.conversion.webhook.

Notes on JSON log proxying

  • JSON log proxying (see above --log-proxy-hook-json) gives a lot of control to the hooks, which might want to use their own logger or different fields or log level
  • It is incompatible with the other log flags in regard to filtering or configuring logging for the hooks. shell-operator will always expect valid json lines and output them regardless of the other flags
  • The log lines from the hooks will be enhanced with these top-level fields, from shell-operator before being printed: ‘hook’, ‘binding’, ‘event’, ‘task’, ‘queue’
  • Configure hooks to use the msg, time and level fields for consistency with the logs coming from shell-operator. This, however, is not enforced.


The following tools for debugging and fine-tuning of Shell-operator and hooks are available:

  • Analysis of logs of a Shell-operator’s pod (enter kubectl logs -f po/POD_NAME in terminal),
  • The environment variable can be set to LOG_LEVEL=debug to include the detailed debugging information into logs,
  • You can view the contents of the working queues with cli command from inside a Pod:
    kubectl exec -ti po/shell-operator /bin/bash
    shell-operator queue list


A hook is an executable file that Shell-operator runs when some event occurs. It can be a script or a compiled program written in any programming language. For illustrative purposes, we will use bash scripts. An example with a hook in the form of a Python script is available here: 002-startup-python.

The hook receives the data and returns the result via files. Paths to files are passed to the hook via environment variables.

Shell-operator lifecycle

At startup Shell-operator initializes the hooks:

  • The recursive search for hook files is performed in the hooks directory. You can specify it with --hooks-dir command-line argument or with the SHELL_OPERATOR_HOOKS_DIR environment variable (the default path is /hooks).
    • Every executable file found in the path is considered a hook (please note, lib subdirectory ignored).
  • Found hooks are sorted alphabetically according to the directories’ and hooks’ names. Then they are executed with the --config flag to get bindings to events in YAML or JSON format.
  • If hook’s configuration is successful, the working queue named “main” is filled with onStartup hooks.
  • Then, the “main” queue is filled with kubernetes hooks with Synchronization binding context type, so that each hook receives all existing objects described in hook’s configuration.
  • After executing kubernetes hook with Synchronization binding context, Shell-operator starts a monitor of Kubernetes events according to configured kubernetes binding.
    • Each monitor stores a snapshot - a refreshable list of all Kubernetes objects that match a binding definition.

Next, the main cycle is started:

  • Event handler adds hooks to the named queues on events:

    • kubernetes hooks are added to the queue when desired WatchEvent is received from Kubernetes,
    • schedule hooks are added according to the schedule,
    • kubernetes and schedule hooks are added to the “main” queue or the named queue if queue field was specified.
  • Each named queue has its queue handler which executes hooks strictly sequentially. If hook fails with an error (non-zero exit code), Shell-operator restarts it (every 5 seconds) until it succeeds. In case of an erroneous execution of a hook, when other events occur, a queue will be filled with new tasks, but their execution will be blocked until the failing hook succeeds.

    • You can change this behavior for a specific hook by adding allowFailure: true to the binding configuration (not available for onStartup hooks).
  • Each hook is executed with a binding context, that describes an already occurred event:

    • kubernetes hook receives Event binding context with an object related to the event.
    • schedule hook receives a name of triggered schedule binding.
  • If there is a sequence of hook executions in a queue, then hook is executed once with array of binding contexts.

    • If binding contains group key, then a sequence of binding context with similar group key is compacted into one binding context.
  • Several metrics are available for monitoring the activity of the queues and hooks: queues size, number of execution errors for specific hooks, etc. See METRICS for more details.

Hook configuration

Shell-operator runs the hook with the --config flag. In response, the hook should print its event binding configuration to stdout. The response can be in YAML format:

configVersion: v1
onStartup: ORDER,

or in JSON format:

  "configVersion": "v1",
  "onStartup": STARTUP_ORDER,
  "schedule": [
  "kubernetes": [
  "kubernetesValidating": [

configVersion field specifies a version of configuration schema. The latest schema version is v1 and it is described below.

Event binding is an event type (one of “onStartup”, “schedule”, “kubernetes” or “kubernetesValidating”) plus parameters required for a subscription.


Use this binding type to execute a hook at the Shell-operator’s startup.


configVersion: v1
onStartup: ORDER


ORDER — an integer value that specifies an execution order. “OnStartup” hooks will be sorted by this value and then alphabetically by file name.


Scheduled execution. You can bind a hook to any number of schedules.


configVersion: v1


- crontab: "*/5 * * * *"
  allowFailure: true|false

- name: "Every 20 minutes"
  crontab: "*/20 * * * *"
  allowFailure: true|false

- name: "every 10 seconds",
  crontab: "*/10 * * * * *"
  allowFailure: true|false
  queue: "every-ten"
  includeSnapshotsFrom: "monitor-pods"

- name: "every minute"
  crontab: "* * * * *"
  allowFailure: true|false
  group: "pods"


  • name — is an optional identifier. It is used to distinguish between multiple schedules during runtime. For more information see binding context.

  • crontab – is a mandatory schedule with a regular crontab syntax with 5 fields. 6 fields style crontab also supported, for more information see documentation on robfig/cron.v2 library.

  • allowFailure — if ‘true’, Shell-operator skips the hook execution errors. If ‘false’ or the parameter is not set, the hook is restarted after a 5 seconds delay in case of an error.

  • queue — a name of a separate queue. It can be used to execute long-running hooks in parallel with other hooks.

  • includeSnapshotsFrom — a list of names of kubernetes bindings. When specified, all monitored objects will be added to the binding context in a snapshots field.

  • group — a key that define a group of schedule and kubernetes bindings. See grouping.


Run a hook on a Kubernetes object changes.


configVersion: v1
- name: "Monitor pods in cache tier"
  apiVersion: v1
  kind: Pod  # required
  executeHookOnEvent: [ "Added", "Modified", "Deleted" ]
  executeHookOnSynchronization: true|false # default is true
  keepFullObjectsInMemory: true|false # default is true
    - pod-0
    - pod-1
      myLabel: myLabelValue
      someKey: someValue
    - key: "tier"
      operator: "In"
      values: ["cache"]
    # - ...
    - field: "status.phase"
      operator: "Equals"
      value: "Pending"
    # - ...
      matchNames: ["somenamespace", "proj-production", "proj-stage"]
        myLabel: "myLabelValue"
        someKey: "someValue"
      - key: "env"
        operator: "In"
        values: ["production"]
      # - ...
  jqFilter: ".metadata.labels"
  - "Monitor pods in cache tier"
  - "monitor Pods"
  - ...
  allowFailure: true|false  # default is false
  queue: "cache-pods"
  group: "pods"

- name: "monitor Pods"
  kind: "pod"
  # ...


  • name is an optional identifier. It is used to distinguish different bindings during runtime. See also binding context.

  • apiVersion is an optional group and version of object API. For example, it is v1 for core objects (Pod, etc.), for ClusterRole and for prometheus-operator.

  • kind is the type of a monitored Kubernetes resource. This field is required. CRDs are supported, but the resource should be registered in the cluster before Shell-operator starts. This can be checked with kubectl api-resources command. You can specify a case-insensitive name, kind or short name in this field. For example, to monitor a DaemonSet these forms are valid:

    "kind": "DaemonSet"
    "kind": "Daemonset"
    "kind": "daemonsets"
    "kind": "DaemonSets"
    "kind": "ds"
  • executeHookOnEvent — the list of events which led to a hook’s execution. By default, all events are used to execute a hook: “Added”, “Modified” and “Deleted”. Docs: Using API WatchEvent. Empty array can be used to prevent hook execution, it is useful when binding is used only to define a snapshot.

  • executeHookOnSynchronization — if false, Shell-operator skips the hook execution with Synchronization binding context. See binding context.

  • nameSelector — selector of objects by their name. If this selector is not set, then all objects of a specified Kind are monitored.

  • labelSelectorstandard selector of objects by labels (examples of use). If the selector is not set, then all objects of a specified kind are monitored.

  • fieldSelector — selector of objects by their fields, works like --field-selector='' flag of kubectl. Supported operators are Equals (or =, ==) and NotEquals (or !=) and all expressions are combined with AND. Also, note that fieldSelector with ‘’ the field is mutually exclusive with nameSelector. There are limits on fields, see Note.

  • namespace — filters to choose namespaces. If omitted, events from all namespaces will be monitored.

  • namespace.nameSelector — this filter can be used to monitor events from objects in a particular list of namespaces.

  • namespace.labelSelector — this filter works like labelSelector but for namespaces and Shell-operator dynamically subscribes to events from matched namespaces.

  • jqFilter — an optional parameter that specifies event filtering using jq syntax. The hook will be triggered on the “Modified” event only if the filter result is changed after the last event. See example 102-monitor-namespaces.

  • allowFailure — if true, Shell-operator skips the hook execution errors. If false or the parameter is not set, the hook is restarted after a 5 seconds delay in case of an error.

  • queue — a name of a separate queue. It can be used to execute long-running hooks in parallel with hooks in the “main” queue.

  • includeSnapshotsFrom — an array of names of kubernetes bindings in a hook. When specified, a list of monitored objects from that bindings will be added to the binding context in a snapshots field. Self-include is also possible.

  • keepFullObjectsInMemory — if not set or true, dumps of Kubernetes resources are cached for this binding, and the snapshot includes them as object fields. Set to false if the hook does not rely on full objects to reduce the memory footprint.

  • group — a key that define a group of schedule and kubernetes bindings. See grouping.


configVersion: v1
# Trigger on labels changes of Pods with myLabel:myLabelValue in any namespace
- name: "label-changes-of-mylabel-pods"
  kind: pod
  executeHookOnEvent: ["Modified"]
      myLabel: "myLabelValue"
    nameSelector: ["default"]
  jqFilter: .metadata.labels
  allowFailure: true
  includeSnapshotsFrom: ["label-changes-of-mylabel-pods"]

This hook configuration will execute hook on each change in labels of pods labeled with myLabel=myLabelValue in “default” namespace. The binding context will contain all pods with myLabel=myLabelValue from “default” namespace.


default Namespace

Unlike kubectl you should explicitly define namespace.nameSelector to monitor events from default namespace.

    nameSelector: ["default"]
RBAC is required

Shell-operator requires a ServiceAccount with the appropriate RBAC permissions. See examples with RBAC: monitor-pods and monitor-namespaces.


This filter is used to ignore superfluous “Modified” events, and to exclude object from event subscription. For example, if the hook should track changes of object’s labels, jqFilter: ".metadata.labels" can be used to ignore changes in other properties (.status,.metadata.annotations, etc.).

The result of applying the filter to the event’s object is passed to the hook in a filterResult field of a binding context.

You can use JQ_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable to set a path with jq modules.

In case you need to filter by multiple fields, you can use the form of an object or an array:

  • jqFilter: "{nodeName: .spec.nodeName, name: .metadata.labels}" returns filterResult as object:

    "filterResult": {
      "labels": {
        "app": "proxy",
        "pod-template-hash": "cfdbfcbb8"
      "nodeName": "node-01"
  • jqFilter: "[.spec.nodeName, .metadata.labels]" returns filterResult as array:

    "filterResult": [
        "app": "proxy",
        "pod-template-hash": "cfdbfcbb8"
Added != Object created

Consider that the “Added” event is not always equal to “Object created” if labelSelector, fieldSelector or namespace.labelSelector is specified in the binding. If objects and/or namespace are updated in Kubernetes, the binding may suddenly start matching them, with the “Added” event. The same with “Deleted”, event “Deleted” is not always equal to “Object removed”, the object can just move out of a scope of selectors.


There is no support for filtering by arbitrary field neither for core resources nor for custom resources (see issue#53459). Only and metadata.namespace fields are commonly supported.

However fieldSelector can be useful for some resources with extended set of supported fields:

kindfieldSelectorsrc url

Example of selecting Pods by ‘Running’ phase:

kind: Pod
  - field: "status.phase"
    operator: Equals
    value: Running
fieldSelector and labelSelector expressions are ANDed

Objects should match all expressions defined in fieldSelector and labelSelector, so, for example, multiple fieldSelector expressions with field and different values will not match any object.


Use a hook as handler for ValidationWebhookConfiguration.

See syntax and parameters in


Use a hook as handler for custom resource conversion.

See syntax and parameters in

Binding context

When an event associated with a hook is triggered, Shell-operator executes the hook without arguments. The information about the event that led to the hook execution is called the binding context and is written in JSON format to a temporary file. The path to this file is available to hook via environment variable BINDING_CONTEXT_PATH.

Temporary files have unique names to prevent collisions between queues and are deleted after the hook run.

Binging context is a JSON-array of structures with the following fields:

  • binding — a string from the name parameter. If this parameter has not been set in the binding configuration, then strings “schedule” or “kubernetes” are used. For a hook executed at startup, this value is always “onStartup”.
  • type — “Schedule” for schedule bindings. “Synchronization” or “Event” for kubernetes bindings. “Group” if group is defined.

The hook receives “Event”-type binding context on Kubernetes event and it contains more fields:

  • watchEvent — the possible value is one of the values you can use with executeHookOnEvent parameter: “Added”, “Modified” or “Deleted”.
  • object — a JSON dump of the full object related to the event. It contains an exact copy of the corresponding field in WatchEvent response, so it’s the object state at the moment of the event (not at the moment of the hook execution).
  • filterResult — the result of jq execution with specified jqFilter on the above mentioned object. If jqFilter is not specified, then filterResult is omitted.

The hook receives existed objects on startup for each binding with “Synchronization”-type binding context:

  • objects — a list of existing objects that match selectors in binding configuration. Each item of this list contains object and filterResult fields. The state of items is actual for the moment of the hook execution. If the list is empty, the value of objects is an empty array.

If group or includeSnapshotsFrom are defined, the hook receives binding context with additional field:

  • snapshots — a map that contains an up-to-date lists of objects for each binding name from includeSnapshotsFrom or for each kubernetes binding with a similar group. If includeSnapshotsFrom list is empty, the field is omitted.

onStartup binding context example

Hook with this configuration:

configVersion: v1
onStartup: 1

will be executed with this binding context at startup:

[{"binding": "onStartup"}]

schedule binding context example

For example, if you have the following configuration in a hook:

configVersion: v1
- name: incremental
  crontab: "0 2 */3 * * *"
  allowFailure: true

then at 12:02, it will be executed with the following binding context:

[{ "binding": "incremental", "type":"Schedule"}]

kubernetes binding context example

A hook can monitor Pods in all namespaces with this simple configuration:

configVersion: v1
- kind: Pod

“Synchronization” binding context

During startup, the hook receives all existing objects with “Synchronization”-type binding context:

    "binding": "kubernetes",
    "type": "Synchronization",
    "objects": [
        "object": {
          "kind": "Pod",
        "object": {
          "kind": "Pod",
          "metadata": {
            "name": "kube-proxy-...",
            "namespace": "kube-system",

Note: hook execution at startup with “Synchronization” binding context can be turned off with executeHookOnSynchronization: false

“Event” binding context

If pod pod-321d12 is then added into namespace ‘default’, then the hook will be executed with the “Event”-type binding context:

    "binding": "kubernetes",
    "type": "Event",
    "watchEvent": "Added",
    "object": {
      "apiVersion": "v1",
      "kind": "Pod",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "pod-321d12",
        "namespace": "default",
      "spec": {


“Event”-type binding context contains an object state at the moment of the event. Actual objects’ state for the moment of the execution can be received in a form of Snapshots.

Shell-operator maintains an up-to-date list of objects for each kubernetes binding. schedule and kubernetes bindings can be configured to receive these lists via includeSnapshotsFrom parameter. Also, there is a group parameter to automatically receive all snapshots from multiple bindings and to deduplicate executions.

Snapshot is a JSON array of Kubernetes objects and corresponding jqFilter results. To access the snapshot during the hook execution, there is a map snapshots in the binding context. The key of this map is a binding name, and the value is the snapshot.

snapshots example:

  { "binding": ...,
    "snapshots": {
      "binding-name-1": [ 
          "object": {
            "kind": "Pod",
            "metadata": {
              "name": "etcd-...",
              "namespace": "kube-system",
          "filterResult": { ... },
  • object — a JSON dump of Kubernetes object.
  • filterResult — a JSON result of applying jqFilter to the Kubernetes object.

Keeping dumps for object fields can take a lot of memory. There is a parameter keepFullObjectsInMemory: false to disable full dumps.

Note that disabling full objects make sense only if jqFilter is defined, as it disables full objects in snapshots field, objects field of “Synchronization” binding context and object field of “Event” binding context.

For example, this binding configuration will execute hook with empty items in objects field of “Synchronization” binding context:

- name: pods
  kinds: Pod   
  keepFullObjectsInMemory: false

Snapshots example

To illustrate the includeSnapshotsFrom parameter, consider the hook that reacts to changes of labels of all Pods and requires the content of the ConfigMap named “settings-for-my-hook”. There is also a schedule to do periodic checks:

configVersion: v1
- name: periodic-checking
  crontab: "0 */3 * * *"
  includeSnapshotsFrom: ["monitor-pods", "configmap-content"]
- name: configmap-content
  kind: ConfigMap
    matchNames: ["settings-for-my-hook"]
  executeHookOnSynchronization: false
  executeHookOnEvent: []
- name: monitor-pods
  kind: Pod
  jqFilter: '.metadata.labels'
  includeSnapshotsFrom: ["configmap-content"]

This hook will not be executed for events related to the binding “configmap-content”. executeHookOnSynchronization: false accompanied by executeHookOnEvent: [] defines a “snapshot-only” binding. This is one of the techniques to reduce the number of kubectl invocations.

“Synchronization” binding context with snapshots

During startup, the hook will be executed with the “Synchronization” binding context with snapshots and objects:

    "binding": "monitor-pods",
    "type": "Synchronization",
    "objects": [
        "object": {
          "kind": "Pod",
          "metadata": {
            "name": "etcd-...",
            "namespace": "kube-system",
            "labels": { ... },
        "filterResult": {
          "label1": "value",
        "object": {
          "kind": "Pod",
          "metadata": {
            "name": "kube-proxy-...",
            "namespace": "kube-system",
        "filterResult": {
          "label1": "value",
    "snapshots": {
      "configmap-content": [
          "object": {
            "kind": "ConfigMap",
            "metadata": {"name": "settings-for-my-hook", ... },
            "data": {"field1": ... }

“Event” binding context with snapshots

If pod pod-321d12 is then added into the “default” namespace, then the hook will be executed with the “Event” binding context with object and filterResult fields:

    "binding": "monitor-pods",
    "type": "Event",
    "watchEvent": "Added",
    "object": {
      "apiVersion": "v1",
      "kind": "Pod",
      "metadata": {
        "name": "pod-321d12",
        "namespace": "default",
      "spec": {
    "filterResult": { ... },
    "snapshots": {
      "configmap-content": [
          "object": {
            "kind": "ConfigMap",
            "metadata": {"name": "settings-for-my-hook", ... },
            "data": {"field1": ... }

“Schedule” binding context with snapshots

Every 3 hours, the hook will be executed with the binding context that include 2 snapshots (”monitor-pods” and “configmap-content”):

    "binding": "periodic-checking",
    "type": "Schedule",
    "snapshots": {
      "monitor-pods": [
          "object": {
            "kind": "Pod",
            "metadata": {
              "name": "etcd-...",
              "namespace": "kube-system",
          "filterResult": { ... },
      "configmap-content": [
          "object": {
            "kind": "ConfigMap",
            "metadata": {"name": "settings-for-my-hook", ... },
            "data": {"field1": ... }

Binding context of grouped bindings

group parameter defines a named group of bindings. Group is used when the source of the event is not important, and data in snapshots is enough for the hook. When binding with group is triggered with the event, the hook receives snapshots from all kubernetes bindings with the same group name.

Adjacent tasks for kubernetes and schedule bindings with the same group and queue are “compacted”, and the hook is executed only once. So it is wise to use the same queue for all hooks in a group. This “compaction” mechanism is not available for kubernetesValidating and kubernetesCustomResourceConversion bindings as they’re not queued.

executeHookOnSynchronization, executeHookOnEvent and keepFullObjectsInMemory can be used with group. Their effects are as described above for non-grouped bindings.

group parameter is compatible with includeSnapshotsFrom parameter. includeSnapshotsFrom can be used to include additional snapshots into binding context.

Binding context for a group contains:

  • binding field with the original binding name or, if the name field wasn’t set in the binding configuration, then strings “schedule” or “kubernetes” are used.
  • type field with the value “Group”.
  • snapshots field if there is at least one kubernetes binding in the group or includeSnapshotsFrom is not empty.

Group binding context example

Consider the hook that is executed on changes of labels of all Pods, changes in ConfigMap’s data and also on schedule:

configVersion: v1
- name: periodic-checking
  crontab: "0 */3 * * *"
  group: "pods"
- name: monitor-pods
  apiVersion: v1
  kind: Pod
  jqFilter: '.metadata.labels'
  group: "pods"
- name: configmap-content
  apiVersion: v1
  kind: ConfigMap
    matchNames: ["settings-for-my-hook"]
  jqFilter: '.data'
  group: "pods"

binding context for grouped bindings

Grouped bindings is used when only the occurrence of an event is important. So, the hook receives actual state of Pods and the ConfigMap on every of these events:

  • During startup.
  • A new Pod is added.
  • The Pod is deleted.
  • Labels of the Pod are changed.
  • ConfigMap/settings-for-my-hook is deleted.
  • ConfigMap/settings-for-my-hook is added.
  • Data field is changed in ConfigMap/settings-for-my-hook.
  • Every 3 hours.

Binding contexts for these events will be pretty the same, except for the binding field, as it will be equal to the corresponding name field of the binding:

    "binding": "monitor-pods",
    "type": "Group",
    "snapshots": {
      "monitor-pods": [
          "object": {
            "kind": "Pod",
            "metadata": {
              "name": "etcd-...",
              "namespace": "kube-system",
          "filterResult": { ... },
      "configmap-content": [
          "object": {
            "kind": "ConfigMap",
            "metadata": {
              "name": "etcd-...",
              "namespace": "kube-system",
          "filterResult": { ... },


An optional block with hook-level settings.


configVersion: v1
  executionMinInterval: 3s
  executionBurst: 1


  • executionMinInterval defines a minimum time between hook executions.
  • executionBurst a number of allowed executions during a period.

Execution rate

executionMinInterval and executionBurst are parameters for “token bucket” algorithm. These parameters are used to throttle hook executions and wait for more events in the queue. It is wise to use a separate queue for bindings in such a hook, as a hook with execution rate settings and with default (”main”) queue can hold the execution of other hooks.


configVersion: v1
- name: "all-pods-in-ns"
  kind: pod
  executeHookOnEvent: ["Modified"]
    nameSelector: ["default"]
  queue: handle-pods-queue
  executionMinInterval: 3s
  executionBurst: 1

If the Shell-operator will receive a lot of events for the “all-pods-in-ns” binding, the hook will be executed no more than once in 3 seconds.

Modifying Kubernetes objects

You can delegate Kubernetes object manipulation to the shell-operator.

To do this, you have to write one or more JSON or YAML documents describing operation type and its parameters to a file. List of possible operations and corresponding JSON specifications can be found below.

The path to the file is found in the $KUBERNETES_PATCH_PATH environment variable.



  • operation — specifies an operation’s type.
    • CreateOrUpdate — accept a Kubernetes object. It retrieves an object, and if it already exists, computes a JSON Merge Patch and applies it (will not update .status field). If it does not exist, we create the object.
    • Create — will fail if an object already exists
    • CreateIfNotExists — create an object if such an object does not already exist by namespace/name.
  • object — full object specification including “apiVersion”, “kind” and all necessary metadata. Can be a normal JSON or YAML object or a stringified JSON or YAML object.


  "operation": "CreateOrUpdate",
  "object": {
    "apiVersion": "apps/v1",
    "kind": "DaemonSet",
    "metadata": {
      "name": "flannel",
      "namespace": "d8-flannel"
    "spec": {
      "selector": {
        "matchLabels": {
          "app": "flannel"
      "template": {
        "metadata": {
          "labels": {
            "app": "flannel",
            "tier": "node"
        "spec": {
          "containers": [
              "args": [
              "image": "flannel:v0.11",
              "name": "kube-flannel",
              "securityContext": {
                "privileged": true
          "hostNetwork": true,
          "imagePullSecrets": [
              "name": "registry"
          "terminationGracePeriodSeconds": 5
      "updateStrategy": {
        "type": "RollingUpdate"
operation: Create
  apiVersion: v1
  kind: ConfigMap
    namespace: default
    name: testcm
  data: ...
operation: Create
object: |
  {"apiVersion":"v1", "kind":"ConfigMap",
   "data":{"foo": "bar"}}


  • operation — specifies an operation’s type. Deletion types map directly to Kubernetes DELETE’s propagationPolicy.
    • Delete — foreground deletion. Hook will block the queue until the referenced object and all its descendants are deleted.
    • DeleteInBackground — will delete the referenced object immediately. All its descendants will be removed by Kubernetes’ garbage collector.
    • DeleteNonCascading — will delete the referenced object immediately, and orphan all its descendants.
  • apiVersion — optional field that specifies object’s apiVersion. If not present, we’ll use preferred apiVersion for the given kind.
  • kind — object’s Kind.
  • namespace — object’s namespace. If empty, implies operation on a cluster-level resource.
  • name — object’s name.
  • subresource — a subresource name if subresource is to be transformed. For example, status.


  "operation": "Delete",
  "kind": "Pod",
  "namespace": "default",
  "name": "nginx"


Use JQPatch for almost everything. Consider using MergePatch or JSONPatch if you are attempting to modify rapidly changing object, for example status field with many concurrent changes (and incrementing resourceVersion).

Be careful, when updating a .status field. If a /status subresource is enabled on a resource, it’ll ignore updates to the .status field if you haven’t specified subresource: status in the operation spec. More info here.


  • operation — specifies an operation’s type.
  • apiVersion — optional field that specifies object’s apiVersion. If not present, we’ll use preferred apiVersion for the given kind.
  • kind — object’s Kind.
  • namespace — object’s Namespace. If empty, implies operation on a Cluster-level resource.
  • name — object’s name.
  • jqFilter — describes transformations to perform on an object.
  • subresource — a subresource name if subresource is to be transformed. For example, status.
  "operation": "JQPatch",
  "kind": "Deployment",
  "namespace": "default",
  "name": "nginx",
  "jqFilter": ".spec.replicas = 1"


  • operation — specifies an operation’s type.
  • apiVersion — optional field that specifies object’s apiVersion. If not present, we’ll use preferred apiVersion for the given kind.
  • kind — object’s Kind.
  • namespace — object’s Namespace. If empty, implies operation on a Cluster-level resource.
  • name — object’s name.
  • mergePatch — describes transformations to perform on an object. Can be a normal JSON or YAML object or a stringified JSON or YAML object.
  • subresource — e.g., status.
  • ignoreMissingObject — set to true to ignore error when patching non existent object.
  "operation": "MergePatch",
  "kind": "Deployment",
  "namespace": "default",
  "name": "nginx",
  "mergePatch": {
    "spec": {
      "replicas": 1
operation: MergePatch
kind: Deployment
namespace: default
name: nginx
ignoreMissingObject: true
mergePatch: |
    replicas: 1


  • operation — specifies an operation’s type.
  • apiVersion — optional field that specifies object’s apiVersion. If not present, we’ll use preferred apiVersion for the given kind.
  • kind — object’s Kind.
  • namespace — object’s Namespace. If empty, implies operation on a Cluster-level resource.
  • name — object’s name.
  • jsonPatch — describes transformations to perform on an object. Can be a normal JSON or YAML array or a stringified JSON or YAML array.
  • subresource — a subresource name if subresource is to be transformed. For example, status.
  • ignoreMissingObject — set to true to ignore error when patching non existent object.
  "operation": "JSONPatch",
  "kind": "Deployment",
  "namespace": "default",
  "name": "nginx",
  "jsonPatch": [
    {"op": "replace", "path":  "/spec/replicas", "value":  1}
  "operation": "JSONPatch",
  "kind": "Deployment",
  "namespace": "default",
  "name": "nginx",
  "jsonPatch": "[
    {\"op\": \"replace\", \"path\":  \"/spec/replicas\", \"value\":  1}


This binding transforms a hook into a handler for ValidatingWebhookConfiguration. The Shell-operator creates ValidatingWebhookConfiguration, starts HTTPS server, and runs hooks to handle AdmissionReview requests.

Note: shell-operator use, so Kubernetes 1.16+ is needed.


configVersion: v1
onStartup: 10
- name: myCrdObjects
- name:
  # include snapshots by binding names
  includeSnapshotsFrom: ["myCrdObjects"]
  # or use group name to include all snapshots in a group
  group: "group name"
  labelSelector:   # equivalent of objectSelector
      label1: value1
    labelSelector: # equivalent of namespaceSelector
        label1: value1
      - key: environment
        operator: In
        values: ["prod","staging"]
  - apiVersions:
    - v1
    - CronTab
    - "*"
  - operations: ["CREATE", "UPDATE"]
    apiGroups: ["apps"]
    apiVersions: ["v1", "v1beta1"]
    resources: ["deployments", "replicasets"]
    scope: "Namespaced"
  failurePolicy: Ignore | Fail (default)
  sideEffects: None (default) | NoneOnDryRun
  timeoutSeconds: 2 (default is 10)
  - name: "exclude-user"
    expression: '("system:apiserver" != request.userInfo.username)'


  • name — a required parameter. It should be a domain with at least three segments separated by dots.

  • includeSnapshotsFrom — an array of names of kubernetes bindings in a hook. When specified, a list of monitored objects from these bindings will be added to the binding context in the snapshots field.

  • group — a key to include snapshots from a group of schedule and kubernetes bindings. See grouping.

  • labelSelectorstandard selector of objects by labels (examples of use). See objectSelector.

  • namespace.labelSelector — this filter works like labelSelector but for namespaces. See namespaceSelector.

  • rules — a required list of rules used to determine if a request to the Kubernetes API server should be sent to the hook. See Rules.

  • failurePolicy — defines how errors from the hook are handled. See Failure policy. Default is Fail.

  • sideEffects — determine whether the hook is dryRun-aware. See side effects documentation. Default is None.

  • timeoutSeconds — a seconds API server should wait for a hook to respond before treating the call as a failure. See timeouts. Default is 10 (seconds).

  • matchConditions — an optional list of match conditions for fine-grained request filtering. Available only since v1.27 of Kubernetes.

As you can see, it is the close copy of a Webhook configuration. Differences are:

  • objectSelector is a labelSelector as in the kubernetes binding.
  • namespaceSelector is a namespace.labelSelector as in the kubernetes binding.
  • clientConfig is managed by the Shell-operator. You should provide a Service for the Shell-operator HTTPS endpoint. See example 204-validating-webhook for possible solution.
  • matchPolicy is always “Equivalent”. See Matching requests: matchPolicy.
  • there are additional fields group and includeSnapshotsFrom to include snapshots in the binding context.


configVersion: v1
- name:
  - apiGroups:   [""]
    apiVersions: ["v1"]
    operations:  ["CREATE"]
    resources:   ["crontabs"]
    scope:       "Namespaced"

The Shell-operator will execute hook with this configuration on every creation of CronTab object.

See example 204-validating-webhook.

Hook input and output

Note that the group parameter is only for including snapshots. kubernetesValidating hook is never executed on schedule or kubernetes events with binding context with "type":"Group".

The hook receives a binding context and should return response in $VALIDATING_RESPONSE_PATH.


# Name as defined in binding configuration.
"binding": "",
# Validating to distinguish from other events.
"type": "Validating",
# Snapshots as defined by includeSnapshotsFrom or group.
"snapshots": { ... }
# AdmissionReview object.
"review": {
  "apiVersion": "",
  "kind": "AdmissionReview",
  "request": {
    # Random uid uniquely identifying this admission call
    "uid": "705ab4f5-6393-11e8-b7cc-42010a800002",

    # Fully-qualified group/version/kind of the incoming object
    "kind": {"group":"autoscaling","version":"v1","kind":"Scale"},
    # Fully-qualified group/version/kind of the resource being modified
    "resource": {"group":"apps","version":"v1","resource":"deployments"},
    # subresource, if the request is to a subresource
    "subResource": "scale",

    # Fully-qualified group/version/kind of the incoming object in the original request to the API server.
    # This only differs from `kind` if the webhook specified `matchPolicy: Equivalent` and the
    # original request to the API server was converted to a version the webhook registered for.
    "requestKind": {"group":"autoscaling","version":"v1","kind":"Scale"},
    # Fully-qualified group/version/kind of the resource being modified in the original request to the API server.
    # This only differs from `resource` if the webhook specified `matchPolicy: Equivalent` and the
    # original request to the API server was converted to a version the webhook registered for.
    "requestResource": {"group":"apps","version":"v1","resource":"deployments"},
    # subresource, if the request is to a subresource
    # This only differs from `subResource` if the webhook specified `matchPolicy: Equivalent` and the
    # original request to the API server was converted to a version the webhook registered for.
    "requestSubResource": "scale",

    # Name of the resource being modified
    "name": "my-deployment",
    # Namespace of the resource being modified, if the resource is namespaced (or is a Namespace object)
    "namespace": "my-namespace",

    # operation can be CREATE, UPDATE, DELETE, or CONNECT
    "operation": "UPDATE",

    "userInfo": {
      # Username of the authenticated user making the request to the API server
      "username": "admin",
      # UID of the authenticated user making the request to the API server
      "uid": "014fbff9a07c",
      # Group memberships of the authenticated user making the request to the API server
      "groups": ["system:authenticated","my-admin-group"],
      # Arbitrary extra info associated with the user making the request to the API server.
      # This is populated by the API server authentication layer and should be included
      # if any SubjectAccessReview checks are performed by the webhook.
      "extra": {
        "some-key":["some-value1", "some-value2"]

    # object is the new object being admitted.
    # It is null for DELETE operations.
    "object": {"apiVersion":"autoscaling/v1","kind":"Scale",...},
    # oldObject is the existing object.
    # It is null for CREATE and CONNECT operations.
    "oldObject": {"apiVersion":"autoscaling/v1","kind":"Scale",...},
    # options contains the options for the operation being admitted, like CreateOptions, UpdateOptions, or DeleteOptions.
    # It is null for CONNECT operations.
    "options": {"apiVersion":"","kind":"UpdateOptions",...},

    # dryRun indicates the API request is running in dry run mode and will not be persisted.
    # Webhooks with side effects should avoid actuating those side effects when dryRun is true.
    # See for more details.
    "dryRun": false

Response example:

{"allowed": true}

Allow with warnings (Kubernetes 1.19+):

{"allowed": true, "warnings":["It might be risky because it is Tuesday", "It might be risky because your name starts with A"]}

Deny object creation and explain why:

{"allowed": false, "message": "You cannot do this because it is Tuesday and your name starts with A"}

User will see an error message:

Error from server: admission webhook "" denied the request: You cannot do this because it is Tuesday and your name starts with A

Empty or invalid $VALIDATING_RESPONSE_PATH file is considered as "allowed": false with a short message about the problem and a more verbose error in the log.

HTTP server and Kubernetes configuration

Shell-operator should create an HTTP endpoint with TLS support and register endpoints in the ValidatingWebhookConfiguration resource.

There should be a Service for shell-operator (see Availability).

Command line options:

                                 A name of a ValidatingWebhookConfiguration resource. Can be set with
                                 A name of a service used in ValidatingWebhookConfiguration. Can be set
                                 with $VALIDATING_WEBHOOK_SERVICE_NAME.
                                 A path to a server certificate for service used in
                                 ValidatingWebhookConfiguration. Can be set with
                                 A path to a server private key for service used in
                                 ValidatingWebhookConfiguration. Can be set with
                                 A path to a ca certificate for ValidatingWebhookConfiguration. Can be set
                                 with $VALIDATING_WEBHOOK_CA.
  --validating-webhook-client-ca=VALIDATING-WEBHOOK-CLIENT-CA ...
                                 A path to a server certificate for ValidatingWebhookConfiguration. Can be
                                 set with $VALIDATING_WEBHOOK_CLIENT_CA.


This binding transforms a hook into a handler for conversions defined in CustomResourceDefinition. The Shell-operator updates a CRD with .spec.conversion, starts HTTPS server, and runs hooks to handle ConversionReview requests.

Note: shell-operator use, so Kubernetes 1.16+ is required.


configVersion: v1
onStartup: 10
- name: additionalObjects
- name: alpha1_to_alpha2
  # Include snapshots by binding names.
  includeSnapshotsFrom: ["additionalObjects"]
  # Or use group name to include all snapshots in a group.
  group: "group name"
  # A CRD name.
  # An array of conversions supported by this hook.
  - fromVersion:


  • name — a required parameter. It is used to distinguish between multiple schedules during runtime. For more information see binding context.

  • includeSnapshotsFrom — an array of names of kubernetes bindings in a hook. When specified, a list of monitored objects from these bindings will be added to the binding context in the snapshots field.

  • group — a key to include snapshots from a group of schedule and kubernetes bindings. See grouping.

  • crdName — a required name of a CRD.

  • conversions — a required list of conversion rules. These rules are used to determine if a custom resource in ConversionReview can be converted by the hook.

    • fromVersion — a version of a custom resource that hook can convert.

    • toVersion — a version of a custom resource that hook can produce.


configVersion: v1
- name: conversions
  - fromVersion:
  - fromVersion:
  - fromVersion: v1beta2
    toVersion: v1

The Shell-operator will execute this hook to convert custom resources ‘’ from to, from to, from to and so on.

See example 210-conversion-webhook.

Hook input and output

Note that the group parameter is only for including snapshots. kubernetesCustomResourceConversion hook is never executed on schedule or kubernetes events with binding context with "type":"Group".

The hook receives a binding context and should return response in $CONVERSION_RESPONSE_PATH.


# Name as defined in binding configuration.
"binding": "alpha1_to_alpha2",
# type "Conversion" to distinguish from other events.
"type": "Conversion",
# Snapshots as defined by includeSnapshotsFrom or group.
"snapshots": { ... }
# fromVersion and toVersion as defined in a conversion rule.
"fromVersion": "",
"toVersion": "",
# ConversionReview object.
"review": {
  "apiVersion": "",
  "kind": "ConversionReview",
  "request": {
    "desiredAPIVersion": "",
    "objects": [
        # A source version.
        "apiVersion": "",
        "kind": "CronTab",
        "metadata": {
          "name": "crontab-v1alpha1",
          "namespace": "example-210",
        "spec": {
          "cron": [
          "imageName": [
    "uid": "42f90c87-87f5-4686-8109-eba065c7fa6e"

Response example:

{"convertedObjects": [{
# A converted version.
"apiVersion": "",
"kind": "CronTab",
"metadata": {
  "name": "crontab-v1alpha1",
  "namespace": "example-210",
"spec": {
  "cron": [
  "imageName": [

Return a message if something goes wrong:

{"failedMessage":"Conversion of is failed"}

User will see an error message:

Error from server: conversion webhook for, Kind=CronTab failed: Conversion of is failed

Empty or invalid $CONVERSION_RESPONSE_PATH file is considered as a fail with a short message about the problem and a more verbose error in the log.

Note: kube-apiserver applies OpenAPI spec to the object returned by webhook. It can cause removing unknown fields without notifying a user.

HTTP server and Kubernetes configuration

Shell-operator should create an HTTP endpoint with TLS support and register an endpoint in the CustomResourceDefinition resource.

There should be a Service for shell-operator (see Service Reference).

There are command line options and corresponding environment variables to setup TLS certificates and a service name:

                                 A name of a service for clientConfig in CRD. Can be set with
                                 A path to a server certificate for clientConfig in CRD. Can be set with
                                 A path to a server private key for clientConfig in CRD. Can be set with
                                 A path to a ca certificate for clientConfig in CRD. Can be set with
  --conversion-webhook-client-ca=CONVERSION-WEBHOOK-CLIENT-CA ...
                                 A path to a server certificate for CRD.spec.conversion.webhook. Can be set
                                 with $CONVERSION_WEBHOOK_CLIENT_CA.

Shell-operator metrics

Shell-operator exports its built-in Prometheus metrics to the /metrics path. Custom metrics generated by hooks are reported to /metrics/hooks. The default port is 9115.


  • shell_operator_hook_run_seconds{hook="", binding="", queue=""} — a histogram with hook execution times. “hook” label is a name of the hook, “binding” is a binding name from configuration, “queue” is a queue name where hook is queued.

  • shell_operator_hook_run_errors_total{hook="hook-name", binding="", queue=""} — this is the counter of hooks’ execution errors. It only tracks errors of hooks with the disabled allowFailure (i.e. respective key is omitted in the configuration or the allowFailure: false parameter is set). This metric has a “hook” label with the name of a failed hook.

  • shell_operator_hook_run_allowed_errors_total{hook="hook-name", binding="", queue=""} — this is the counter of hooks’ execution errors. It only tracks errors of hooks that are allowed to exit with an error (the parameter allowFailure: true is set in the configuration). The metric has a “hook” label with the name of a failed hook.

  • shell_operator_hook_run_success_total{hook="hook-name", binding="", queue=""} — this is the counter of hooks’ success execution. The metric has a “hook” label with the name of a succeeded hook.

  • shell_operator_hook_enable_kubernetes_bindings_success{hook=""} — this gauge have two values: 0.0 if Kubernetes informers are not started and 1.0 if Kubernetes informers are successfully started for a hook.

  • shell_operator_hook_enable_kubernetes_bindings_errors_total{hook=""} — a counter of failed attempts to start Kubernetes informers for a hook.

  • shell_operator_hook_enable_kubernetes_bindings_seconds{hook=""} — a gauge with time of Kubernetes informers start.

  • shell_operator_tasks_queue_length{queue=""} — a gauge showing the length of the working queue. This metric can be used to warn about stuck hooks. It has the “queue” label with the queue name.

  • shell_operator_task_wait_in_queue_seconds_total{hook="", binding="", queue=""} — a counter with seconds that the task to run a hook elapsed in the queue.

  • shell_operator_live_ticks — a counter that increases every 10 seconds. This metric can be used for alerting about an unhealthy Shell-operator. It has no labels.

  • shell_operator_kube_jq_filter_duration_seconds{hook="", binding="", queue=""} — a histogram with jq filter timings.

  • shell_operator_kube_event_duration_seconds{hook="", binding="", queue=""} — a histogram with kube event handling timings.

  • shell_operator_kube_snapshot_objects{hook="", binding="", queue=""} — a gauge with count of cached objects (the snapshot) for particular binding.

  • shell_operator_kubernetes_client_request_result_total — a counter of requests made by kubernetes/client-go library.

  • shell_operator_kubernetes_client_request_latency_seconds — a histogram with latency of requests made by kubernetes/client-go library.

  • shell_operator_tasks_queue_action_duration_seconds{queue_name="", queue_action=""} — a histogram with measurements of low level queue operations. Use QUEUE_ACTIONS_METRICS=”no” to disable this metric.

  • shell_operator_hook_run_sys_cpu_seconds{hook="", binding="", queue=""} — a histogram with system cpu seconds.

  • shell_operator_hook_run_user_cpu_seconds{hook="", binding="", queue=""} — a histogram with user cpu seconds.

  • shell_operator_hook_run_max_rss_bytes{hook="", binding="", queue=""} — a gauge with maximum resident set size used in bytes.

Custom metrics

Hooks can export metrics by writing a set of operations in JSON format into $METRICS_PATH file.

Operation to register a counter and increase its value:


Operation to register a gauge and set its value:


Operation to register a histogram and observe a duration:

{"name":"metric_name","action":"observe","value":42, "buckets": [1,2,5,10,20,50], "labels":{"label1":"value1"}}

Labels are not required, but Shell-operator adds a hook label with a path to a hook script relative to hooks directory.

Several metrics can be exported at once. For example, this script will create 2 metrics:

echo '{"name":"hook_metric_count","action":"add","value":1,"labels":{"label1":"value1"}}' >> $METRICS_PATH
echo '{"name":"hook_metrics_items","action":"add","value":1,"labels":{"label1":"value1"}}' >> $METRICS_PATH

The metric name is used as-is, so several hooks can export the same metric name. It is advisable for a hooks‘ developer to maintain consistent label cardinality.

There are fields “add” and “set” that can be used as shortcuts for action and value. This feature may be deprecated in future releases.


Note that there is no mechanism to expire this kind of metrics except the shell-operator restart. It is the default behavior of prometheus-client.

Grouped metrics

The common cause to expire a metric is a removed object. It means that the object is no longer in the snapshot, and the hook can’t identify the metric that should be expired.

To solve this, use the “group” field in metric operations. When Shell-operator receives operations with the “group” field, it expires previous metrics with the same group and applies new metric values. This grouping works across hooks and label values.

echo '{"group":"group1", "name":"hook_metric_count",  "action":"add", "value":1, "labels":{"label1":"value1"}}' >> $METRICS_PATH
echo '{"group":"group1", "name":"hook_metrics_items", "action":"add", "value":1, "labels":{"label1":"value1"}}' >> $METRICS_PATH

To expire all metrics in a group, use action “expire”:

{"group":"group_name_1", "action":"expire"}

WARNING: “observe” is currently an unsupported action for grouped metrics

Example returns these metrics:

echo '{"group":"hook1", "name":"hook_metric", "action":"add", "value":1, "labels":{"kind":"pod"}}' >> $METRICS_PATH
echo '{"group":"hook1", "name":"hook_metric", "action":"add", "value":1, "labels":{"kind":"replicaset"}}' >> $METRICS_PATH
echo '{"group":"hook1", "name":"hook_metric", "action":"add", "value":1, "labels":{"kind":"deployment"}}' >> $METRICS_PATH
echo '{"group":"hook1", "name":"hook1_special_metric", "action":"set", "value":12, "labels":{"label1":"value1"}}' >> $METRICS_PATH
echo '{"group":"hook1", "name":"common_metric", "action":"set", "value":300, "labels":{"source":"source3"}}' >> $METRICS_PATH
echo '{"name":"common_metric", "action":"set", "value":100, "labels":{"source":"source1"}}' >> $METRICS_PATH returns these metrics:

echo '{"group":"hook2", "name":"hook_metric","action":"add", "value":1, "labels":{"kind":"configmap"}}' >> $METRICS_PATH
echo '{"group":"hook2", "name":"hook_metric","action":"add", "value":1, "labels":{"kind":"secret"}}' >> $METRICS_PATH
echo '{"group":"hook2", "name":"hook2_special_metric", "action":"set", "value":42}' >> $METRICS_PATH
echo '{"name":"common_metric", "action":"set", "value":200, "labels":{"source":"source2"}}' >> $METRICS_PATH

Prometheus scrapes these metrics:

# HELP hook_metric hook_metric
# TYPE hook_metric counter
hook_metric{hook="", kind="pod"} 1 -------------------+---------- group:hook1
hook_metric{hook="", kind="replicaset"} 1 ------------+
hook_metric{hook="", kind="deployment"} 1 ------------+
hook_metric{hook="", kind="configmap"} 1  ------------|-------+-- group:hook2
hook_metric{hook="", kind="secret"} 1 ----------------|-------+
# HELP hook1_special_metric hook1_special_metric              |       |
# TYPE hook1_special_metric gauge                             |       |
hook1_special_metric{hook="", label1="value1"} 12 ----+       |
# HELP hook2_special_metric hook2_special_metric              |       |
# TYPE hook2_special_metric gauge                             |       |
hook2_special_metric{hook=""} 42 ---------------------|-------'
# HELP common_metric common_metric                            |
# TYPE common_metric gauge                                    |
common_metric{hook="", source="source3"} 300 ---------'
common_metric{hook="", source="source1"} 100 ---------------+---- no group
common_metric{hook="", source="source2"} 200 ---------------'

On next execution of values for hook_metric{kind="replicaset"}, hook_metric{kind="deployment"}, common_metric{source="source3"} and hook1_special_metric are expired and hook returns only one metric:

echo '{"group":"hook1", "name":"hook_metric", "action":"add", "value":1, "labels":{"kind":"pod"}}' >> $METRICS_PATH

Shell-operator expires previous values for group “hook1” and updates value for hook_metric{hook="", kind="pod"}. Values for group hook2 and common_metric without group are left intact. Now Prometheus scrapes these metrics:

# HELP hook_metric hook_metric
# TYPE hook_metric counter
hook_metric{hook="", kind="pod"} 2 --------------- group:hook1
hook_metric{hook="", kind="configmap"} 1 ----+---- group:hook2
hook_metric{hook="", kind="secret"} 1 -------+
# HELP hook2_special_metric hook2_special_metric     |
# TYPE hook2_special_metric gauge                    |
hook2_special_metric{hook=""} 42 ------------'
# HELP common_metric common_metric
# TYPE common_metric gauge
common_metric{hook="", source="source1"} 100 --+-- no group
common_metric{hook="", source="source2"} 200 --'

Next execution of expires all metrics in group ‘hook2’:

echo '{"group":"hook2", "action":"expire"}' >> $METRICS_PATH

Shell-operator expires previous values for group “hook2” but leaves common_metrics for “” as is. Now Prometheus scrapes these metrics:

# HELP hook_metric hook_metric
# TYPE hook_metric counter
hook_metric{hook="", kind="pod"} 2 --------------- group:hook1
# HELP common_metric common_metric
# TYPE common_metric gauge
common_metric{hook="", source="source1"} 100 --+-- no group
common_metric{hook="", source="source2"} 200 --'